World Malaria Day is an International observance celebrated on every 25 April and recognizes global effort to fight and control malaria. Globally, 3.3 billion people in 106 countries are at risk of malaria. It was established in May 2007 by the 60th session of the World Health Assembly. The day was established to provide education and understanding of malaria.
However, Tanzania has recorded a 10% decline in malaria prevalence from 18.1% in 2008 to 8.1% in 2022, according to statistics from the ministry of health. Also the number of people living in areas free from malaria has increased from 4% in 2008 to 41% in 2022.
This year, the World Malaria Day was marked under the theme.
“Accelerating the fight against malaria for a more equitable world”.
On 25th April 27, 2024 Tunza Foundation and her collaborators organized an event at Mwereni Primary School to commemorate World Malaria day. The event was tailored for the special needs children of Mwereni primary school those with impared vision, XP and albinism and aimed to raise awareness about malaria symptoms, prevention and treatment. Among this, there were more activities
Informative lesson was given to the students about how crucial is the environment in fighting and controlling the spread of malaria. Also they were taught about malaria. Its causes, how it’s spread by the female anopheles, its prevention, symptoms and treatment emphasizing on the importance of timely treatment. The lectures were given by nurse Honesta from Jaffery Charitable Medical Services and Dr. Rahim from the Moshi Municipal Council department of malaria prevention and contro
A symbolic tree planting activity was conducted to emphasize the importance of environment in combating malaria. 20 fruits seedlings were planted on the school’s grounds.
The event was honorably opened by the schools head master Mr. Damas Fidelis Urenge
40 mosquito nets were given to the children’s dormitory. These mosquito nets were donated by the Moshi Municipal Council. This donation was received by the school’s headmaster Mr. Damas Fidelis Urenge.
A communal lunch was shared by all participants which fostered a sense of community and togetherness during the event.
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